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My Story

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy - 

Not on fighting the old, But on building the New 'Socrates'




There I was working as Project leader in one of the worlds largest pharma companies. I was successful and I loved the 'buzz', the responsibility and the traveling where I meet interesting and intelligent people from all around the world. I had my family and friends close, husband and two beautiful children that did well in life. I loved my exercise 6 am in the forest with strong ladies. I was totally happy and content in my life.


Then one day in March 2015, the family was sitting around the dinner table when my husband with excitement in his voice said ‘I have been offered to work in Shanghai and I do not want to miss this chance. What do you say about us moving to Shanghai in August. I need to give a reply within two weeks’ .


I just looked at him,  stood up and without a word I went into our bedroom. My heart pumped wildey and the only thing I heard except for my heart was my voice in my head screamed ¨NOOO!¨ There I was happy with my life, I did not want to leave my country again..  my husband and I had once lived in the USA and Brazil and on the day we returned back to Sweden I promised myself never to leave Sweden.


My husband felt different and was longing for a new challenge away from our 'daily routine life'.  My daughter, at the time 14 years, reaction was 'yes let's do this' so excited for an adventure. She had a close friend that moved with their family to Beijing and she told her wonderful stories about her life. Our son, 9 years, was to young to understand what a move meant. I sought guidance from my family and friends who all said the same thing ‘It is a great adventure and if I was you I would not hesitate'. Inside me, it was this voice that was telling me.. no don’t go..  but I fell for the convincing voices and did not stand up for myself and my feelings. I listened to everyone else except myself. Two years will go fast I convinced myself and our children will get the best education and adventure. A fun adventure for all of us. 


Little did I know my life was about to change completely.

We moved and our children started international school, my husband was happy. I started to study a MBA (Master Business Administration) because in that way I could climb the ladder in my career. I still had my position in the company. But it was not for me, I became more and more lonely and then I meet a Swedish lady that telling me about a course Personal Trainer and I thought and said 'I want to do that too'. Said and done and I loved it!


During my studies my husband became more and more distant and I found out he found temptation elsewhere and my whole world collapsed. I was in my darkest nightmare and I was crawling on the floor,  I was betrayed, I had literally walked into a disaster! I don't know where I found my strength but after feeling extremely sorry for myself in 5-6 months I decided to be happy again. I was going to the best of myself that can't be rejected.


My friend helped me through times when it was the worst. Together we studied and both certified PT and to our luck we were offered to take over as instructors in a studio. It was here I decided to change my life to be happy, again and do my classes which gave me the best thrill in my life - to instruct and be part of peoples transformation when exercise is priceless.  Shortly after I got a question and offer if I wanted to build a new gym in area and be responsible. I could not believe my luck but I jumped on the challenge. Just prior this my friend had for some reason started to make it difficult with behaviour and comments that was extremely hurtful - I learnt that she 'feeling energized' of people in pain and our relation become very toxic, I was not the only one that had this experience. It was time for me to move on and what an experience; PitStop was born and I meet wonderful people, staffed the gym with instructors and had events for the community. My working life was on a peak again.


But my plan with my husband failed and we decided to walk separate ways but to stay in China for two more year so our daughter could finalize her schooling.  I had my 'new' life and wanted to continue. 


Our children suffered in their own way, as children do in divorces. Julia had pain in her back that became worse and worse which literally 'tilted' her pelvis and she could no longer walk and was in a wheelchair. She was taken to the best hospital in Shanghai but when they said they couldn't help we went to a local one with collaboration with Harvard. Julia's case puzzled them and she had both western and chinese traditional medication treatment. The doctors looked for all possible autoimmune diseases and prepared us that she might never be able to walk again. It was a nightmare for 8 months and in the end with help from our insurance I took her to Sweden where all the drugs was removed. She was close to family and friends for 6 weeks and slowly our Julia returned to life. Even today we do not know what happened, it is a mystery. Sometimes her back gives issues but nothing like it was.  Julia graduated and the emotions to see your child walking out without the wheelchair was literally one of my happiest days.


As I look back on my life I realize that every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being redirected to something better.  


My children's school had an evening event where I meet a man that caught my attention, I don't know why but there he was, I was hurt and did not looking for a new man. He had lost his wife to cancer and maybe it was our pain that brought us together and I think 'Universe' had something to do with it.  He started coming to my classes and we become good friends and then later love appeared, the adventure to China that been for us both a nightmare gave us light and joy again.  His contract in Shanghai was coming to an end and was offered a position in Mexico. This is another story :-) but shortly the love brought me all the way from the East in China and now to the West i Mexico and today in United States. We have started a new family with his daughter and my son. To be a 'bonus family' brings new dimension to life, then the world is hit by the pandemic. I could no longer get my energy filled in the gym, instead studies in Health and Wellness. 


I have learnt on my way that starting all over again, for me as person and together as family make me humble, stronger, less afraid of new things and instead become rich of people and culture. I have made the journey of self development and looking forward to share and help you to your best you!






Do you know that the human body is made of 50 trillion cells and every second each cell coordinates billions of chemical reaction. Your Heart beats 100.000 and pumps 7500 liters of blood through 96,000 kms of vessels EVERY DAY. Every month you completely regenerate your outer layer of skin... we humans are amazing and the more I studied and found out I decided to change my career path and work with helping people to be the highest and best version of themselves. This is my story why I am a Health Coach

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